20ft x 32ft Modular Building Delivered to Yeovil Football Club

20ft x 32ft Modular Building Delivered to Yeovil Football Club

Wednesday 27th April 2016

Yeovil Football Club has recently enhanced its facilities with a 20ft x 32ft four-bay modular building. Thanks to Danny Mears Transport, the delivery and installation were seamless.

New Modular Building at Yeovil Football Club

This new structure provides the club with a versatile and modern space to meet its needs. Moreover, the attached image showcases the newly installed modular building. It is perfectly positioned next to the club’s existing infrastructure.

Benefits of Modular Buildings

These modular units are designed for efficiency and flexibility. Therefore, they are ideal for sports facilities needing quick and effective expansions. Furthermore, modular buildings offer numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, speed of installation, and adaptability.

Seamless Construction and Installation

Constructed off-site and assembled on location, these buildings minimize disruption to the club’s daily operations. Additionally, this four-bay modular building provides extra space. It can be used for various purposes, from administrative offices to player facilities.

Practicality and Appeal

The successful installation at Yeovil Football Club highlights the practicality and appeal of modular buildings in the sports industry. As a result, as clubs continue to grow and evolve, modular solutions provide an excellent way to expand facilities quickly and efficiently.

Consider Modular Solutions

If you are considering expanding your sports facility, a modular building could be the perfect solution. Thus, the rapid installation and cost benefits make it an attractive option. Consequently, clubs can enhance their infrastructure without lengthy construction periods.

Contact Us for More Information

For more information on modular building solutions or to inquire about similar projects, please reach out. You can learn how modular construction can meet your facility’s needs. Danny Mears Transport is ready to assist you with your next project. Therefore, discover the benefits of modular buildings for your sports facility today.

New units

New units

Used units

Used units



